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News and Standard
Coulee City , Washington
August 30, 1963     News and Standard
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August 30, 1963
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Coulee City T H E N E W S -- S T A N D A R D Wa hi on NOTICE ITATION TO BID bids fcr the contracts of be received by the Floyd C Mcritz, of Coulee Dis~ict No 150-204I, office of the Superinten- Schools, Floyd C Moritz, CRy, Washingten, up to ~ptember 9, 1963, and n an d there be read in Bids received after the :ed for the opening will :oasidered. OF ]lIDS: Tne Bid- submit separate bids ou items, or a combin- overall items. Any nlaking combined bids on must also submit sep~- ds for the individual ONTRACT ITEMS: To oil, standzrd furnace Coulee City Klemen- ol in the amount of a of 9000 gallous. To fuel oil, PS No 400, for City High School, in of a minimum of t informatiou a s t o the atiom on the items may f~om the Superintendent C Moritz, upon the Coulee City High Coulee City, Washing- reserves the right to or all bids andto waive rarities in the bidding, the bid that in their will be for the best in- f the said School District. may withdraw his bid hour set for the opening o~ befere award of con- ithout the consentof the awarding of the :is delayed mote than 30) days after date of of bids. d) Floyd C Moritz, Clerk ClTY scrtOOL DISTRIC '204J, GRANT COUNTY, CITY, WASHINGTON Aug 16, 23, & 30, 1963 NOTICE TATION TO BID BIDS for the contract fuel oil to be used ofthefumace at the School will be received September 10, 1963. rILL then be opened at mentioned time in the the Superintendent of nd will be presented to board. ~hool board reserves the reject any or all bids and irregularity in bidding the bid that, in their ~t will be for fl~e best hio llle School District. ITEMS: Fuel SO0 or No 5;storagetank 10,000 gallons uadcr- gularly use 24.000 year. Dorothy Pierce, Clerk School District No 127 ttartlinc, Washington Aug 23, 30 & ' 1963 Sctflitche and Gregg been visiting her F M CYMalleys, for ~t (3' Malley drove Thursday. O WANT AO R~TI6: lie Per word per l~ue, -um aumle, noc per ._W'. dram for price of U N, m tim for tin prl Ph r 4841 ..---.. MUSIC (piano) LESSONS given by Mnda HANSON, RTe # 1, Coulee City. Contact Linda Hanson or Mrs Oscar Bechtol. BEGINN~S WELCOME. Lessons begin 3~d week in September. 8/23 4t MISCELLANEOUS WANTED FOR St Vincent De Paul Society. Things you no longe need ot use. Help us to help othea~. Call 632-5646 Coulee City or 3901 H me. 2/7 ........... PIANO LESSONS: We can each handle a few more beginner or intermediate students. Rella Campbell, l~one 632-5602 Cb.ri~tie Tabert, Phone 632-5236 ¢mulee City, Wash 8/30 _2tp _ MORE COUNTY FAIR NEEDLEWORK: Table linen: Mrs Pat Goodwin, blue; Guest towel: Mrs Pat Good- win, blue; Apron; Mrs Pat Good- win, r e d. Other sets: Mr s Pat Goodwin, blue. CLOTHllqG: Woman's Afternoon Dress: IvLrs Gene Kelley, red. 4-H FITTING & SHOWING: Beef, Jr: Robert Sieg, Vaden D~maier, blue. Beef, Senior: Larry Dormaier, Gary Nelson, Rick Hardt, Sherrri Dormaier, red ribbons: Tom Betme, Jim Behne, Gary Sieg, white ribbons. SHEEP, junior: Kevin Higgin - boxham, /oyc e Higginbotham, blue ribbons ; Sandra Higgin- botham, and Chuck Kelley, red ribbons; Nancy Behne, white. Sheep, Senior: Cecelia Walker, John Higginbotham, blue ~ibb~-ts; Allen Higginbotham, red. Horse, junior: Kay Walker, blue; Karen Higginbotham and Debby Higginbotham, white. Horse, senior: Kathy Seh~ock, White FOOD PRESERVATION: Cherries, dark;Ianis Docmaier, blue: Idly: Iv~s Pat Goodwin, wkite. Dill Hekles: Mrs Pat Goodwin, red. Relish: Mrs Pat Goodwin, red & blue. order: Mrs Ruth Behne, red, & M~s Pat Goodwin, red. Baby carrots: Mrs Pat Goodwin, blue. (Cont next Col) TO GIVE AWAY: 2 pups, 2 months old, 1 marie & 1 female, mother is McNaff Shepatd. Very good with cattle e~ sheep. Also chLldren. Phone 3272 Hartline. 4tc 9/23~ FOR SALE BY OWNER: Gift and souvenir shop in the shopping center in Coulee Dam, Wash. Under s ame management for II years. Agencies for Western Union, TeIetahone collections & agency for cut flowers etc. Year around operation. Write or call Jane Hollingswct'th 760 ~ 328W , Coulee Dam, Washington. 8/16 4to ORDERS TAKEN FOR PERSONAL- ALIZED CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS. Prices a r e very reasonable. Come in and look over our sample books. COULEE CITY NEWS-STANDARD COULEE CITY, WASH. FUHERAL HOME Wilbur, Washington 24-Hour 4mbulance Service Telephone MI 7-5441 Cern, cut: M~s Pat Goodwin, red. BAKING: Baking Powder Biscuits: Mrs Pat Goodwin, red. Muffins: Ianice Dormaier , blue. White Layer cake: M~s Pat Goodwin, blue. Spice, banana, etc: Mrs Pat Goodwin, blue. 4-H HORSES: Fillies & colts, 2 & Under: Billy Edwards, Red GRAIN: Seeds: Bill Sieg, blue. By lv~s Grace Steinmetz Guests at the L E Jeffers over the weekend included Ivlt & MrsEd Ed Guenther of Paseo, Iv~s Rose Hamen of Hyak and Iv~ & Mrs Claytou Daniels of Cashmere. lvlrs Margaret Dodd is repotted improving but will be in the lvlc KayHospitalfor a few more days. Miss Darlene Zelm, Fairfield, was a dLrmer guest of the Harve~ Sehmidts M o n d a y night. Miss Zehn, who will teach Kome Economies tiffs year, is living at the Jeffers Motel. By Mrs Grace Steinmetz Mrs Frances Tucker is spending this week with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr & Mrs lohn Howell, in Ellensburg. Mr & Ivlrs ~il Berst of Seattle visited their parents, the Jim Borsts and Claude Millers, this week. Phil has been attending summer school at the University. Weekend guests at the Jerry Starringswere his sister and t~other-in-law, Mr & Mrs Wm Willz and family and his l~other and wife, Mr & lvlrs Stanley Star- ~5 xg of Lind. The class of '28 held a reuniou Sunday but ouly four, lVlr &/vlrs Howard Adams (Viola Tripletr) of Moses Lake and Jay Steinmetz andWalt Steinmetz, were able to attend. Mr & Mrs John Magic, Elmore, Ohio, and Mrs Lilly Johnson, Clarkston, visitec recently with Mr & Mrs Harry Mitchell and Mrs Helen Seheibner. Mrs Johnson Mrs Magic and Mrs Mitchell are Cousins. Mrs John Astou of Kettle Falls and her grandson, Steven Alex- ander of Spokane, spent the week end with her parents the Harry Mitchells. Mrs H e 1 e n Seheilmer h a d as guests over the weekend Mrs Harry A and of Spokane, Mardie Peters of Moses Lake and Barbara Barley of Ephrata. Mr & Mrs Ray Ward of Arlington Virginia, have been visiting-,, atmt and uncle, the E W Rices andother relatives in rite area the past two weeks. They returned to. Aug 30, 1963 Spokane are visiting her parents. Mr & Mrs Ed Tucker, this week. Louis l~odes entertained a few friends Monday aftemoo in honor of Mrs Edith Welch of Cla kston and Mrs IAla Dowel1 of Rich/and, who were here for the eommtmity picnic. Others attend- ing were Ivlrs Esther Bzirnble of Almi~a, Mrs Rtmh White Of wil- bur, Mrs Hazel Smiths Mrs Ben /ensen and IV s Walt Stelnmetz. Since Tuesday was Mrs Weleh's birthday she was surprised with a cake. Mrs Welch, ~ Dowell and /virsBrimble are sisters, the fo m- er Pa=ry girls. /dr & Mrs Paul Rice and famfl) and Mrs Effie McKee were guests of Mrs Hazel Smith Friday night. They a t t e n d e d the wedding of Karen M c K e e in Grand Coulee Saturday night. Mrs Della Glad~sh of Spokane visited the Art Lewises over the weekend. Friday & Saturday Aug 30 & 31 TWIN CITADELS OF SINI od Ill[ | IqfAlllllll m ll[ | | It Ir/~vAIrt CRANGI~, IqgR ANGELI • Ifl'.~lM~/ I~ltl~ 2rid Show 9:30 Saturday 'Virginia Tuesday. Mrs Bob Grant and children of ASSORTED SEA FOODS . it it 1 X- it ASSORTED MEAT PLATE SALADS -- CHEESE VEGETABLE HORS d'OEUVRES ADULTS $1. 88 CHILDREN under 12 $1.2~ BONUS--Half-price Alki Theatre tickets with every Smorgasbord dinner. Show time Friday: 7:00 p.m. MISSION 7-2271 Wilbur, Washington A I)IGNITY XXe leave nothing undone that will contrib.te to final services of quiet dig,fit) and inspiring I)ea.t), that ~ill soften sorrow and provide a Ir~rfeel tribute to the departed. COLUMBIA BASIN i REFRIGERATION : T,:lepbo~,c: Ephrata 4-3420 Ephrata, ",%ash S,,r,'ing All Faiths